Thin Mints Are the Favorite Girl Scout Cookie In Minnesota
It is officially Girl Scout Cookie season! Here is your heads up that as you are out shopping, you will probably see a table set up at the store with some colorful boxes just sitting there, tempting you to "eat me!". 🍪
I know a lot of moms that are the "cookie mom" and have boxes and boxes of the deliciousness just waiting to go to new homes. But, what is the favorite? According to a survey by YouGov, Thin Mints are the big winner. 24% of people are saying that is their #1.
Personally, my favorite is Samoas. Mmmm. Love that one and apparently 16% of people are picking that as their top pick too. The rest of the list, in order of favorites, include the peanut butter patties (aka Tagalongs), shortbread, caramel chocolate chip, peanut butter sandwich, S'mores, and then lemon up. Coming up in the last spot is actually one that I have not ever tasted, the Toffee-tastic. Only 1% of people are claiming this one.
Now that I've made you hungry for Girl Scout cookies, click here to find out where they are being sold in Rochester and a few of the surrounding towns.
What's your favorite? Let me know over on my Facebook page (Jessica On The Radio) or DM me on Instagram.
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