South Central College President to Testify Before Congress
South Central College President Dr. Annette Parker is scheduled to testify at a hearing of the U.S. House Committee on Small Business Subcommittee on Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Workforce Development.
Her testimony is scheduled for Noon Minnesota time and will be aired live online here.
According to a news release from South Central College (SCC), "Parker was asked to testify at the hearing on "Growing Jobs through Infrastructure Investment" based on her broad higher education workforce development experience and South Central College's success with public-private partnerships."
"I am honored to be testifying on the vital role of community colleges in developing a skilled workforce that supports economic development," said Parker. "Speaking on behalf of not only the 37 colleges and universities of the Minnesota State system, but also representing the 1,044 community colleges throughout the nation, is a tremendous privilege."
The news release goes on to state: "In addition to her role as president of South Central College, Parker's extensive workforce development experience in Higher Education includes working on a number of innovative automotive industry partnerships while an administrator at Lansing Community College in Michigan and serving as System Director of Workforce Education for the Kentucky Community and Technical College System, which included serving as Executive Director of their Automotive Manufacturing Technical Education Collaborative (AMTEC), a National Science Foundation Advanced Automotive Center of Excellence."
The SCC news release concludes, "As an internationally respected expert in workforce development, Parker has been called upon to sit on may national committees and boards, including President Obama's Advanced Manufacturing Partnership 2.0 Steering Committee, MIT Work of the Future Advisory Board and various committees for the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine."
There is more information about the congressional hearing on the U.S. Committee on Small Business website.
Check this out.
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