
Great Heritage Days Parade In Faribault And Night In Medford
Great Heritage Days Parade In Faribault And Night In Medford
Great Heritage Days Parade In Faribault And Night In Medford
Even with the heat and humidity, tons of people turned out for the Heritage Days Parade in Faribault. We quickly found out that the large amount of candy we had brought was not enough for all the kids. But we were early in the parade this year so I am sure many units after us had candy.
Gymboree Closing In Medford
Gymboree Closing In Medford
Gymboree Closing In Medford
Children's store Gymboree announced that they are closing 350 stores as they begin a restructuring after filing for bankruptcy protection. According to a report in USA Today, they are based in San Francisco. Gymboree also operates Crazy 8 stores and Janie and Jack stores...
Look Back: Riverside Cemetery
Look Back: Riverside Cemetery
Look Back: Riverside Cemetery
Riverside Cemetery in Medford, one of the oldest cemeteries in Steele County, is the final resting place for many Civil War soldiers, including a cousin of Robert E. Lee, and members of the county’s founding families. Robyn Ladd introduces us to a few of them...
Prizes and Rain Fall on Medford
Prizes and Rain Fall on Medford
Prizes and Rain Fall on Medford
Last Saturday night, the Power 96 crewed headed to Medford during the Straight River Days celebration for the annual Power 96 Rooftop Toss and this year it wasn't just prizing falling from the sky, but rain as well!
Rooftop Toss Returns
Rooftop Toss Returns
Rooftop Toss Returns
The Power 96 crew is is headed to Medford this Saturday night during the Straight River Days celebration for the annual Power 96 Rooftop Toss and you're invited to join us!
Straight River Days Approaching
Straight River Days Approaching
Straight River Days Approaching
Straight River Days in Medford is almost here! The very first Straight River Days took place in 1971, bringing a fun weekend to the Medford community, and this year is no different. The festival is June 15-17.
rue21 Closing 400 Stores
rue21 Closing 400 Stores
rue21 Closing 400 Stores
Teen clothing retailer rue21 is closing almost 400 of its stores nationwide, and one of them is the store in Medford. Two others in the area include Mankato and Eden Prairie. For many years their niche was putting stores in smaller market areas that were not served by other major stores...
Medford Payless To Close
Medford Payless To Close
Medford Payless To Close
According to the publication Consumerist, Payless shoes has become the latest retailer to file for bankruptcy protection this year, joining Wet Seal, Aeropostale, American Apparel, The Limited, Eastern Outfitters, MC Sports, BCBG Max Azria, Gander Mountain, RadioShack, hhgregg and Gordmans...
5 Arrested in Sex Sting
5 Arrested in Sex Sting
5 Arrested in Sex Sting
Authorities have said five men from southern Minnesota, including one from Faribault, have been arrested for targeting children online for sex. They were caught after chatting online with someone they thought was a 14-year-old girl and also arranging to meet with the girl for sex...
Vote Your Taste Buds [POLL,VIDEO]
Vote Your Taste Buds [POLL,VIDEO]
Vote Your Taste Buds [POLL,VIDEO]
This election season, you can vote your taste buds, not your conscience. Curly Girlz Candy in Medford offers some election-themed truffles to satisfy the politically minded sweet tooth. Owner Paula Trenda says she started selling the #MAGA Truffle for Donald Trump and #imwithher Truffle for Hillary Clinton in mid-October...

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