The Dirty MN Secret Behind All Those Lilac Bushes In The CountryThe Dirty MN Secret Behind All Those Lilac Bushes In The CountryThere are two MAIN reasons we see so many lilacs growing 'out in the country'. Paul SheaPaul Shea
Did You Know That Central Minnesota Has A 'Grasshopper' Chapel?Did You Know That Central Minnesota Has A 'Grasshopper' Chapel?Did you know that Stearns County is home to a 'grasshopper' chapel?Paul SheaPaul Shea
This Funny Minnesota Roadside 'Sign' Is No More Along I-94This Funny Minnesota Roadside 'Sign' Is No More Along I-94That car on a pole has been replaced, with an actual sign for the business that occupies that spot near I-94. Brooks O'BrianBrooks O'Brian
Oink! This Minnesota Town Bar Offers Up Pig Races On Summer Weekends!Oink! This Minnesota Town Bar Offers Up Pig Races On Summer Weekends!The month of June sees Pig Races on Saturday nights, and in July the races are held on Friday and Saturday nights. Paul SheaPaul Shea
Minnesota Bar Serving Up Rocky Mountain Oysters This WeekendMinnesota Bar Serving Up Rocky Mountain Oysters This WeekendYes, Saturday is April 1st, but this doesn't appear to be a joke.Paul SheaPaul Shea
This Minnesota County Is Going ‘Hog Wild’, 7 Pig Statues Unveiled RecentlyThis Minnesota County Is Going ‘Hog Wild’, 7 Pig Statues Unveiled RecentlyCurrently, the Going Hog Wild website lists 10 participating cities in the project.Paul SheaPaul Shea
Do You Remember the $250 Toll Road From Minnesota To…Minnesota?Do You Remember the $250 Toll Road From Minnesota To…Minnesota?While the road didn't last long, it was a pretty inventive and uniquely Minnesota idea to cut down on some costs, while keeping the residents of the NW Angle supplied. Paul SheaPaul Shea
Is This Minnesota Town Really The ‘Most Unusual’ In The Entire State?Is This Minnesota Town Really The ‘Most Unusual’ In The Entire State? listed Kensington Minnesota, up in Douglas County as the most unusual, really? So what made it the 'most unusual' in Minnesota?Paul SheaPaul Shea