The Rice County Relay For Life Announced The 2021 Relay Date
In case you missed it on social media, and to be honest I didn't see it until I went back and intentionally looked. The Rice County Relay For Life just announced the date of this year's Relay For Life event. That date? August 6th at the great Rice County Fairgrounds.
The Rice County Relay For Life made the announcement on their social media page last week.
The event last year was a drive-thru-style event, where participants rolled through the fairgrounds, unable to get out to their vehicles due to the ongoing pandemic. This year, many hope will be more of a normal-type of event.
I'm sure there is still plenty to be worked out for this year's event, as we are still unsure where we will be in August, but to me, I'm hopeful it can be held as similar in style as it was held BC, before COVID-19.
The fundraising goal for 2021 is $60,000, and to date over $700 has already been raised to that amount. One of the ways that people remember those touched by cancer is through Luminaria's being lit in remembrance of a life touched by cancer. According to the Relay For Life website "when you make a donation for a Luminaria it helps fund the American Cancer Society’s mission to help save lives."
In 2020 I had a friend, who is 34, who was diagnosed with breast cancer just 3 years after losing her older sister to cancer. Thankfully through the power of modern medicine, she is wrapping up her chemo and will be undergoing a double mastectomy later this year. It's stories like this one, that bring people together in some semblance of the word and raises money to find a cure.
If you are interested in signing up or donating to the Rice County Relay For Life, you can get more information here.
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