This Doesn’t Have To Be A Bad Week
Historically speaking this is the saddest or most depressing week of the year. This is generally the week that people who committed to a resolution fail. But you don't have to be one of those statistics.
Roughly 69% of people who made a resolution December 31st/Jan 1st failed last week. That leaves about 31% of you with resolutions unbroken. Whether or not you kept that resolution one of the things you can do is try again. If your goal was weight-loss in 2018 and your not seeing results try something different about your routine, contact a local trainer if you were attempting the weight-loss yourself. If you were going to quit smoking form an action plan and tell someone your quitting, they can check in on you and help you out when your at wits end.
Ultimately you control whether or not you keep that resolution. But I'm here to tell you not to give-up and to keep at it. For more information on weight-loss help or if you want to quit smoking here are some helpful links;
Of if you want to start a goal for the rest of the year, you can click here.
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