World Gratitude Day – September 21st
What an amazing day to appreciate our town! We can celebrate World Gratitude Day, even after all the devastation in our area from the weather yesterday. There are trees down everywhere and the power is out for a lot of people, however, OPU has reported that they have crews from other towns here to help restore power.
I follow Steele County Skywarn, and Rice County Skywarn, on Facebook, and I have seen so many people asking where they can go and what they can do to help out those who have lost trees and have storm damage. I am so happy to live in an area where "Minnesota Nice" is a real thing.
So, I am choosing to be grateful today, on World Gratitude Day, that no lives were lost due to the storm, and that our little corner of Southeast MN knows how to treat our neighbors and help out where needed. We are also grateful that people have so much patience, especially in the wake of the storms.
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