The seventh annual Infants Remembered in Silence Turkey Trot was held Thanksgiving at the Faribault Middle School and once again the weather made things interesting.

The Turkey Trot has seen every kind of weather imaginable in its seven-year run.  Gorgeous and sunny, snowy, icy, rainy and this Thanksgiving there was mixed precipitation.

Infants Remembered in Silence founder and executive director Diana Sundwall told KDHL there were about 1,500 paid participants this year.

The event features 10K and 5K runs, a 5K walk and, for the younger folks, a Tot Trot and Gobble Wobble.

Yes the entire family can participate and that's one of the reasons so many people come from all over to support the IRIS fundraiser.

Infants Remembered in Silence provides its services free of charge. They offer support, education and resources to parents, families, friends and professionals on the death of a child at all stages of pregnancy through early childhood.

The nonprofit organization has assisted people all over the world.

Sundwall has shared her story a number of times over the years on KDHL.

When she lost a child at birth there were no such services. There was nobody to advocate for her and that experience led her to start IRIS nearly 30 years ago.

The fastest time in the 10K was turned in by Trever Schwichtenberg of Owatonna. The 20-year-old had a time of 34:59.

The fastest female was 31-year-old Laura Fletcher of Owatonna with a time of 43:41.

The fastest 5K time was 17:26 by 32-year-old Caleb Bueckslere of Columbia Heights and 33-year-old Teresa Stanley of Northfield had the fastest ladies time 19:53.

The oldest participant was 70-year-old John Antram of Faribault in the 5K and 64-year-old Ron Rasque of Onalaska, Wis., in the 10K. Rasque finished 16th.

The youngest finishers were 9-year-old Daisy Islas of Rosemount in the 5K and 11-year-old Alexandra Heuss of Waterville in the 10K.

Infants Remembered in Silence Thanksgiving Fundraiser
Infants Remembered in Silence Thanksgiving Fundraiser

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