Yays and Nays

YAYS and NAYS Nov 4th, 2014
YAYS and NAYS Nov 4th, 2014
YAYS and NAYS Nov 4th, 2014
What are YAYs and NAYs? YAYs are things that bring a smile to your face, while NAYS are things that have you grinding your teeth. Share your YAYs and NAYs with me at kelly.krage@townsquaremedia.com!
YAYS & NAYS Oct. 21
YAYS & NAYS Oct. 21
YAYS & NAYS Oct. 21
What are YAYs and NAYs? YAYs are things you are excited for, are going well, or just make you happy. NAYs are things that make you grumble. Each week I share some of my YAYs and NAYs, and you can too! Email me at Kelly.krage@townsquaremedia.com to participate!
YAYS and NAYS Oct 14, 2015
YAYS and NAYS Oct 14, 2015
YAYS and NAYS Oct 14, 2015
YAYs are things that make you smile, NAYs are are things that things that make you want to crawl back under the covers. Each week, I'll share a few of my YAYS and NAYs, and you can too by emailing me at kelly.krage@townsquaremedia.com
YAYS and NAYS Oct 7th 2014
YAYS and NAYS Oct 7th 2014
YAYS and NAYS Oct 7th 2014
What are YAYs and NAYs? YAYs are things that make you happy, or something good that has recently happened. NAYs are things that drive you crazy. Each week, I'll share a few of each, and you can too by emailing me your YAYs and NAYs at kelly.krage@townsquaremedia.com
Yays and Nays September 30th
Yays and Nays September 30th
Yays and Nays September 30th
Everyone has things they are really excited about (YAYS) and things that maybe bring a frown to their face (NAYS), each week, I'll share a few of my own YAYS and NAYS, and you can too! To be part, email me at kelly.krage@townsquaremedia.com
Yays and Nays Round Two Sept 22, 2014
Yays and Nays Round Two Sept 22, 2014
Yays and Nays Round Two Sept 22, 2014
Sometimes we all need to vent, and likewise, sometimes we need to take a moment and remind ourselves of what is going well. So, with that in mind, I’ve created a space to do both. I’ll share a few Yays (positive things) and a couple Nays (things that don’t excite me),  and you can too! If you have a yay or a nay, let me know at kelly.krage@townsquaremedia.com
Yays and Nays Sept 16th
Yays and Nays Sept 16th
Yays and Nays Sept 16th
Sometimes we all need to vent, and likewise, sometimes we need to take a moment and remind ourselves of what is going well. So, with that in mind, I've created a space to do both. I'll share a few Yays (positive things) and a couple Nays (things that don't excite me),  and you can too! If you have a yay or a nay, let me know at kelly.krage@townsquaremedia.com