Byron Schools canceled all evening activities on Monday after a bomb threat was discovered in school bathrooms. Superintendent Joey Page sent an email to parents that explained: "On Monday, February 24, we discovered graffiti in two bathrooms indicating a bomb threat.  All activities tonight were canceled and we are working closely with Olmsted County Sheriff’s Department to investigate this matter."

The Superintendent credits the strong relationships created by teachers and administrators with students as a reason they were able to quickly identify the threat and start investigating, "Because of a strong partnership with our students and parents, we were able to uncover, investigate and intervene in this situation. We recognize that students play a vital role in maintaining a safe school – they hear the rumors, see the threatening behavior and understand the risks. I would like to congratulate individuals for coming forward and sharing this information. As we are teaching students responsibility and leadership, it is important that they be able to share their concerns with teachers, parents and other adults."

Page said, "We are taking all necessary safety precautions and Byron High School will be open tomorrow at the regularly scheduled time."

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