There are a couple of days left of the Northwest Sportshow! While you're there be sure to check out this year's grand prize for the 50th Annual Minnesota Bound Crappie Contest. The grand prize this year is an Alumacraft fishing boat with a 25 horse Evinrude motor, and trailer with Lowrance Graph! That is one amazing prize and is valued at over $15,000! Check out the boat here.

This year's Minnesota Bound Crappie Contest is taking place May 5th on Lake Minnetonka at Lord Fletcher's. Fishing hours are 6AM to 2PM.

Now I'm sure you're wondering, how the heck do I win this boat?? You do not need to catch the biggest crappie, all you have to do is catch a crappie that is at the secret weight that Minnesota Bound picks out ahead of time and you win the grand prize!

If you don't catch the crappie with the secret weight, no worries, there are other prizes too!

Register for the contest and get more information here. All proceeds go to Fishing for Life.


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