Does Our May Heat Wave Mean A Way-Hot Summer For Minnesota?
While temperatures have been hovering around 20 warmer than usual during the last week of May, does that mean we're in store for a scorcher of summer in Minnesota this year?
While I'm no meteorologist (though I play one on the radio!), the folks over at the Minnesota DNR have a few thoughts on our weird May heat wave, and what that could mean for our summer season here in the Land of 10,000 Lakes.
It has been a strange year for weather here in the Bold North, hasn't it? This out-of-season heat wave this spring wasn't been the first, though. Remember that really hot weekend we had last September? We were all ready for fall, and yet the temp soared into the 90's then too.
Then, of course, we went through the Winter That Just Wouldn't Quit, complete with the coldest April in Rochester history, and that historic blizzard that hit parts of the state on weekend of April 14th. And now, we've just gone through six straight days in Rochester where our high temperature topped out at 90 degrees or higher. (The average high for late May would be in the low 70's, by the way.)
But if it's already this hot here in May, does that mean we're in for some really hot weather later this summer-- when the temp is usually in the 90s?
Well, nobody knows, of course, but according to the DNR's Climate Journal says there's a pretty good chance that could happen. If we have a year (like this year) "with at least two 90-degree days during May, however, the average number of 90-degree days for the year jumps to 23.4 (an 80% increase), and 74% of those years go on to have at least 20 90-degree days," the journal noted.
So, yeah. If history's any indicator, get ready to crank the AC later this summer. (Though after our cold, snowy spring, I told myself I wasn't going to complain about our hot, humid weather this year. We'll see how I do!)
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and from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on 103.9 The Doc
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