Does Your Cell Phone Company Owe You A Refund For ‘Cramming’ ?
The Federal Trade Commission announced on Tuesday that it is sending 22,671 refund checks to people who lost money to a "mobile cramming operation."
The scheme placed tens of millions of dollars in charges on mobile phone bills across the United States. The refunds will go to people who received text messages containing celebrity gossip alerts, horoscopes or "fun facts" and were charged monthly subscription service fees for these texts without authorization.
"This is the third round of refunds issued as part of the FTC’s crackdown on mobile cramming," the commission said in a news release. "The latest round of refunds, totaling $2,107,156.24, comes from assets recovered as part of a settlement with Tatto, Inc. The average check amount is $92.95."
The FTC has some tips for consumers if they feel like they fell victim to cramming here, and make sure you reduce your risk of 'cramming' charges by not entering your mobile phone number on unsecured websites.
For more information on the FTC's refund program, visit here.