Mike Reviews ‘The Boss Baby’
In the last week I've attended three movies, "Beauty and the Beast," "Logan" and most recently, "The Boss Baby." Two of my granddaughters were in town for a visit so we decided to take them to the movies and out for supper afterward and wrap up the evening with a nice big bonfire. I missed the bonfire because my youngest granddaughter wasn't feeling well and needed some grandpa comforting, so we stayed inside and watched "Peppa Pig."
Starring the voices of Tobey Maguire, who acts as the narrator, Alec Baldwin as the Baby Boss, Jimmy Kimmel as the Dad, Lisa Kudrow as the Mom, and Steve Buscemi as the villian, "The Boss Baby" was pretty funny and both my grandchildren really enjoyed it. I wasn't sure how it would go with the 2-year-old, but she was held mesmerized by the whole movie and surprisingly stayed sitting through the whole thing. It helps that this movie clocks in at just a little over an hour and a half.
The Boss Baby is sent to Earth as Tim's little brother to do something about the fact that puppies are receiving more love than babies, and the story builds on that. The two boys don't get along at first but discover that they need to work together to attain their separate goals.
If you're looking for a fun movie to go to this weekend, I recommend taking the kids to "The Boss Baby."