More Fire Safety Tips From Faribault Fire Chief on KDHL
When we finished our AM Minnesota program on October 5th Faribault Fire Chief Dusty Dienst said there were some other items he would like to get the word out about so he will have that opportunity today. The show starts 9:30 a.m. Last week was National Fire Prevention Week but this month is Fire Prevention Month.
The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) says there are "three basic but essential steps to take to reduce the liklihood of having a fire." The steps were this year's Fire Prevention Week theme of , "Look, Listen, Learn." Look for possible fire hazards in your home and eliminate them. Listen for your home's smoke alarms. Know that you may have only minutes to get out if a fire breaks out. Learn two ways out of each room in your home.
Exits should be easy to access and free of clutter. After leaving the home, go to your family's designated meeting spot, established when you set up your home fire escape plan.
NFPA provides resources for the public to use to educate others about fire safety. For kids the campaign has activity pages and Simon, a cartoon character who shares messages about fire safety.
If you missed the program here it is
Segment 1
Segment 2
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