New Minnesota DWI Law Takes Effect Tomorrow
In January, 8-year-old Alan Geisenkoetter Jr. was killed by a man who was driving a snowmobile while intoxicated. Turns out, this man also had a revoked drivers license due to multiple DWI offenses.
After that, The Minnesota Legislature decided to pass a new DWI law. The new law states that if you are convicted of a DWI while operating any motorized vehicle you will lose your drivers license and also be "prohibited from operating motor vehicles, including all-terrain vehicles, motorboats, and snowmobiles" for a year.
If you're a first-time offender while operating an off-road motorized vehicle or boat, you "will be subject to chemical use assessments, conditional release, and plate impoundment – the same as a DWI in a highway-licensed vehicle."
This new law takes effect tomorrow, August 1st.
Source: Patch
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