If you were wondering, like I was, why you were still seeing posts/updates/photos from that annoying “friend” from high school on Facebook, the social network announced on Monday 800,000 users were hit by a bug that unblocked profiles they’d previously blocked. 

The issue was active from May 29 to June 5, according to a company blog post. Erin Egan, Facebook's Chief Privacy Officer stated in the blog post yesterday that:

"Starting today we are notifying over 800,000 users about a bug in Facebook and Messenger that unblocked some people they had blocked. The bug was active between May 29 and June 5 — and while someone who was unblocked could not see content shared with friends, they could have seen things posted to a wider audience. For example pictures shared with friends of friends. We know that the ability to block someone is important — and we’d like to apologize and explain what happened." - Erin Egan, Facebook CPO

This issue has now been fixed and everyone that had been blocked by users have been blocked again. Any user that was affected will be getting a notification on Facebook encouraging them to check their blocked list.

While you are checking your Facebook settings, give us an add! 

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