Olmsted County Is One of the Most Dangerous Drunk Driving Counties in Minnesota
Olmsted County is in the Top 10 of most dangerous drunk driving counties in Minnesota. Drunk-driving crashes are preventable and the numbers behind the study are truly staggering.
According to the Olmsted County Sheriff's Office Facebook Page, Olmsted County is the 10th most dangerous drunk driving county in Minnesota. Check out this from their Facebook page:
"From 2012 to 2016, 183 people died in drunk driving-related crashes in those 13 counties, as opposed to 432 statewide. Similarly, 768 people were seriously injured in alcohol-related crashes in the unlucky 13, compared to 1,382 statewide"
Hennipen and Ramsey Counties are number 1 and 2 in the study, while Anoka, Dakota and St. Louis round out the top five.
Minnesota is always working toward zero death on Minnesota roadways, and seeing the numbers from just in Olmsted county make you think. How can I help stop these preventable crashes? Don't drink and drive and speak up when you think someone might get behind the wheel when they are under the influence.
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