Twins Player Ejected After Hitting Go-Ahead Home Run
File this one under something that you don't see often. Yesterday afternoon the Minnesota Twins were in Chicago taking on the White Sox. Prize free-agent acquisition Josh Donaldson was at the plate in the 6th inning. The score was all knotted up at 2 apiece. After taking a few questionable strikes in the series, Donaldson hauled off and clobbered a no-doubter to left field. As Donaldson was approaching home, he made his feelings known about the questionable strike calls by dragging his foot and giving home plate a little dusting. It was at this point it just gets goofy. Check it out below.
According to KMOX Radio, "On May 27, 1978, the Cardinals faced the Cubs in St. Louis. Frustrated by the strike zone of umpire Paul Runge, Ted Simmons jawed with the home plate umpire.
Simmons crushed it for a 400-foot home run, tying the score late in the game and as he stepped on home plate after rounding the bases, Simmons tipped his batting helmet in Runge’s direction and, according to the umpire, said, “Take that.”"
Josh Donaldson is my spirit animal.
The Twins by-the-way went on to lose the game, 4-3, giving the White Sox their first postseason appearance since 2008. The Twins are still in 2nd place with 7 games to go in the season.
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