Minnesota seasons

Falling for Fall
Falling for Fall
Falling for Fall
Today might be the most incredibly beautiful fall day ever! The temps hit 73, and the trees are bursting with color, it's the perfect combination of scenic and warmth!
Fall walks
Fall walks
Fall walks
After a weekend of temps well into the 80's ( which of course I loved), Monday brought temperatures that were closer to the mid 60's. I was sad to see the warm weather disappear, especially overnight, but with the cold moving in, it is hard to deny (and get a little excited) that fall is here.
Summer Lovin’
Summer Lovin’
Summer Lovin’
If you've ever met me, or read this blog before, you know I don't like being cold and that sunny and 75 is my version of heaven. So now that warmer days have FINALLY arrived in Minnesota, how do I plan to spend them?
Two seasons…
Two seasons…
Two seasons…
The well known joke is that Minnesota has two seasons: winter and road construction. And given what felt like a never ending winter, there might be some truth to that!