Cannon Falls Police Warn About Email Scam
The Cannon Falls Police Department is warning people about a recent email scam circulating in the area. A resident in Stanton Township reported receiving an email stating they were a company who wanted to include the resident in splitting up a $15 Million estate.
The email sender included that the estate was in the same last name as the person who received the email, and the last name changes for the estate with each email to other people. The email sender asks that everything be kept confidential so they can be "locked in" as a blood relative to the estate.
The sender does not initially ask for any money, only to be emailed back to receive more information. The next information includes a money request according to authorities.
On their Facebook post warning of the scam the Cannon Falls Police Department reminds residents to, "Stay vigilant of the rapidly changing scams and not fall victim to these sort of money grabs. Always contact us if you have any questions or something doesn't seem right."