Rice County Sets Boards of Appeal and Equalization Meetings
The Rice County Assessors Office has released the schedule for Local Boards of Appeal and Equalization and Alternative Meetings for 2021. The Assessors Office news release is below:
"Property owners recently received a Notice of Valuation and Classification for Taxes Payable for 2022. This form is to notify you of the market value and classification of your property for assessment year 2021. The property taxes that you pay in 2022 will be based on this classification.
Listed are the dates and times of the Local Board of Appeal and Equalization and Alternative Meetings for 2021. If you believe that your valuation and classification are correct, it is not necessary to contact your assessor and/or attend any of the listed meetings.
If the property information is not correct, if you disagree with the value/classification or if you have questions about your notice, please contact your assessor first at (507)-332-6102 to discuss any questions or concerns.
All property owners can attend the Open Book Meetng in Faribault to have a one on one discussion with the assessor. Often your issues can be resolved at this level. The assessor will advise you of your further appeal rights, if needed.
Please read your notice carefully for all your appeal options. If you live in a jurisdiction with a Local Board of Appeal and Equalization meeting, then your appeal must start with your Local Board before advancing to the County Board of Appeal and Equalization."
Local Boards of Appeal and Equalization and Alternative Meetings 2021
Open Book Meeting:
Monday, April 12, 2021-10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.-Rice County Government Services Bldg
Local Board of Appeal and Equalization:
Tuesday, April 13, 2021-9:00 a.m.- Wells Township Hall
Coounty Board of Appeal and Equalization
Wednesday, June 16, 2021- 6:30 p.m. Commissioners Room Rice County Govt Services Bldg
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