Are You Suffering from Rice County Fair Withdrawal?
Do you suffer from Rice County Fair withdrawal? I think I do. The Power 96/KDHL crew went out to tear down our booth at the fairgrounds and I already miss the crowds, the sounds, the music and the food. Don't get me wrong, it's a hectic schedule trying to juggle my duties at the radio station and then run around the fair getting interviews and finally broadcasting live from our Power patio, but I still feel a void in my day.
One of the things I looked forward to each year was reconnecting with people I haven't seen since last year's fair, people like Mike and Bonnie at the Mom and Popcorn stand right next to our booth, Dennis out directing traffic in the parking lot, several of the fair staff and some of the ride attendants that I got to know from taking my grandkids on their rides over and over and over and, well you get the idea. It was also the one week a year where I caught up with old friends and made some new ones. So despite the heat, the unhealthy but delicious food and a schedule that made me feel like I was running around like a chicken with its head cut off, I bid a fond farewell to this year's Rice County Fair and look forward to next years summer festival.